domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014


Deforestation in Mongolia. Source:

By Gundhramns Hammer
October 26, 2014

The biggest enemy of trees around the world is man (Homo insapiens). Even though their lives depend upon trees, the vast majority of people do not give a damn about them. 

And turning this around is not an easy task, especially considering that most humans anywhere tend to be interested only on things sprinkled or loaded with the smell of money, sex and shit

It is even harder in poverty-sticken places, for in this case people usually are infected with the "before someone else comes along and takes it, I will take it for me first" social virus. Then, being selfish is a matter of survival.

This way, pro-social behaviours become a rare species since everybody is for himself.

But even then, when things seem getting worse all the time in places where people have lost their ecological bearings, if they ever had any, there are individuals who may be able to see their surroundings from a sound ecological perspective and think of the future. 

These visionary individuals will try to prevent the already precarious situation from getting worse. They sound the alarm and it is now up to the rest of folks to get the message.

In Mongolia, people are cutting trees down without ever thinking of planting replacements. They are doing it like fucking morons. The same moronic pattern can be seen worldwide.

And this destruction, fucking forests up, everywhere is called "development"!!!

Mongolia´s lungs - the trees- are being cut down at an alarming rate.

According to, "the rates for deforestation are up to 150 million trees annually. This is used for firewood, construction timber, encroachment in mining, grazing of livestock, and extensive forest fires. In 1998 the Food and Agriculture Organization stated that Mongolia's forests decreased by 1.2 million hectares between late 1970s - late 1990s. That means that 12 billion square meters of deforestation occurred in just 20 years. The timber industry only uses about 60% of the collected timber for profit."

Concerned about this anthropogenic environmental problem, Davaanyam Delgerjargal has denounced this savage deforestation in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).

He hopes his photographic work will make the Mongolian government do something to stop the illegal logging going on in Ulaanbaatar.

The following clip (Video 1) shows what Davaanyam Delgerjargal is doing to save the forests around him before it is too late:

Davaanyam Delgerjargal photographs communities in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, whose livelihoods are dependent upon illegal logging--a practice that has devastating and long-term environmental consequences. Through his work, Delgerjargal aims to end illegal logging by drawing government attention to the underlying issues of poverty, unemployment, and the lack of state policies or enforcement of environmental protection.[Open Society Foundations]

Video 1. The price of illegal logging. Uploader: Open Society Foundations

To Davaanyam Delgerjargal, we gladly say:

Bravo, for your visionary work!!! Keep up your good work!

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


Source: globalpost.

By Gundhramns Hammer
October 21, 2014 
Select, paste & translate

With the immense oil and gas reserves deep underground, everybody is born rich in Nigeria. Theoretically, of course. 

But in reality this is not the case. What we find in the Niger Delta is a terrible hell for most people (Video 1).

Video 1. Oil spills in Nigeria: The true price of crude oil. Uploader: The Guardian.

In Nigeria, a few people have made millions from the country´s oil industry. They have fat bank accounts in a tax have sucha as Hong Kong, Panama, Luxemburg, Switzerland, just to name a few.

Others, the vast majority of people, barely manage to scratch a living, leading a struggling life with only 2 or 3 euros in the pocket daily.

In the meanwhile, the environment which everybody depends upon has been extremely polluted during nearly five decades of exploiting the black gold

The potential richness that everybody should have achieved during his or her lifetime, one derived from a good public fund, more or less like in Norway, has been swept away beneath their feet and left counting stars from hunger, for a bunch of mega-chupopterans (Sp., chupar = to suck) have gobbled up the whole petroleum cake.

Read the following report to get some of these facts:

Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta, by Amnesty International (2009). 143 p.

Get a copy: Click HERE.

Or go to this post references section below.

Therapsids and the big cake

Humans are therapsids and as such they show sophisticated ingroup dominance (Narvaez, 2006). Humans fight amongst themselves to see who steps on the most to get the most from a big cake. 

As a result, the members of the Homo "sapiens" tribe have been waging wars against one another since remote times.

But by the same token, cynodont therapsids are also believed to have had a soft side : Nurturing and taking care of their young

Some cynodonts may even have lactated their young, though they would lay eggs rather than give birth to live offspring (Medeiros Parente et al., 2011). 

This behaviour and way of reproduction was perhaps much more advanced than that of female alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), for example, which show maternal protection towards the young for almost a year after hatching today. 

Since life is a continuum, this is why at least most human beings, assuming they are humans, have a soft side as well nowadays. Nature builds upon the old.

So, where is the soft side of the petrogenic rich people in Nigeria?

Should those that have gotten the biggest chunks of the petro-cake in Nigeria at the expense of others not pitch in to take care of the needs of those that have nothing in Nigeria?

Should they not show some emotional engagement with others, in what Dr. Darcia Narvaez (2006) calls the "Ethic of Engagement", via caring relationships and social bonds with their fellow human beings in Nigeria?

What is the use of accumulating so much money? To further screw up those below or perhaps to feel like a god?

To those who are wallowing in petro money in Nigeria, what the fuck is the excuse not to help your poor fellow human beings in your own backyard?

Why not take care of the environment?

Be honest and kind to the others at least once in your lifetime! 


Amnesty International (2009). Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International Publications, London, UK. 143 p. 

Medeiros Parente R.C., Paglarelli Bergqvist L., Bento Soares M. & Moraes Filho O.B. (2011). The History of Vaginal Birth. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 248: 1-11.

Narvaez D. (2006). The Neurobiological Roots of Our Multiple Moral Personalities. Notre Dame Symposium on personality and Moral Character, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA. 7 p.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


"A Silent Forest: The Growing Threat, Genetically Engineered Trees" is an award-winning documentary film exploring the growing global threat of genetically engineered trees to our environment and to human health. The film features PBS' David Suzuki, who explores the unknown and possibly disastrous consequences of improperly tested genetic engineering methods. [Teresa Campbell via rosaryfilms]

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014


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