lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


November 11, 2013

The message (Video 1) is quite clear. We humans are children playing with fire. Radioactive fire in this case.

                                                Video 1. Radioactive waste dumped into oceans.

Like flies, we are all trapped in a grid of power. We are trapped playing in a system that is making us all sick. 

Power is the name of the game. But one by one the players of this game are calling sick. 

Now is the time to question the state of things for the benefit of all earthlings and move into action. 

Where does all of the energy from the power grid go?

Is the grand total of nuclear generated electricity around the globe not use for mental masturbation at home or for pointless jacking around?

How much is need and how much is greed?

Can you tell the difference between these two?

If you can, where do you go from here? Upwards or downwards?

Upwards or downwards? We must redesign our way of thinking, so in many respects what is up should go down and what is down should go up.

For one thing, Nature´s health must be up. On this ground, we all have failed. 

Life´s wheel keeps moving. Whether we will be part of it in the future remains to be seen.                           

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