domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013


Fuente: planeta azul.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
17 de noviembre de 2013
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"Hubo en un tiempo 300,000 ballenas azules en nuestros mares, ahora tan sólo quedan 3,000 ejemplares de estos gloriosos animales y a pesar de ello seguimos saqueando el planeta Azul."
Deep Blue, BBC 


El planeta Azul es profundo en toda su dimensión: su morfología, sus colores, su biodiversidad, sus bosques, sus lagos, ríos y océanos... desde cualquier ángulo que lo apreciemos es abrumadoramente bello.


jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Source: Global Gallery.

November 14, 2013

Disconnecting the connected is simple, anybody can do it. But reconnecting what or who he has just disconnected to connect it back with the Grand Connection that connects everything upon Earth is beyond man´s power. Man taketh life away but he canst not giveth.

Man is nothing but a piece of the Grand Connection. He has strayed from the Mother of all connections. He thinks of himself disconnected from the connected. He has become haughty and goes around kicking and destroying anything connected.

He acts disconnected when he should act connected and acts connected when he should act disconnected, even though there is no connection disconnected. To connect or not connect when he should connect or disconnect is his dilema. 

From his reconnection with the Grand Connection depends whether he will continue connected to the Connected or be disconnected out of the Connected in the future.

To find his reconnection, he must go back at the beginning, a place where there a piece of his own beginning with the connection of all connections. 

If he can find the right one and reconnect it with the Grand Connection he might see where he is connected or disconnected and chose between the two: To connect the disconnected and disconnect anything that puts him outside the connected. Only then he will be able to distinguish when he should go and when he should stop. 

And his search for the Grand Connection should start at the table (Video 1), for he is the only beast upon this planet that thrives disconnecting the Connected on a gigantic scale, living off a massive disconnection to become even more disconnected, a sickened creature crawling aimlessly upon the Earth:

                                       Video 1. Massive disconnection for more disconnection.

No creature can ever survive disconnecting without connecting. Here is where we all humans have failed. 

Finding our reconnection with the Grand Connection must be our goal.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013




Globalization, Roving Bandits,and Marine Resources

F. Berkes(1*), T. P. Hughes(2), R. S. Steneck (3), J. A. Wilson (4), D. R. Bellwood (2), B. Crona (5,6), C. Folke (5,6), L. H. Gunderson (7), H. M. Leslie (8),  J. Norberg (6), M. Nyström (5,6), P. Olsson (5), H. Österblom (6), M. Scheffer (9), B. Word (10)


Marine resource exploitation can deplete stocks faster than regulatory agencies can respond. Institutions with broad authority and a global perspective are needed to create a system with incentives for conservation. 

Read the full article: Click HERE.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


Source: El Blog de Fran.

Aunque conocemos lo básico de las más de 15.000 especies animales que habitan en el Mar Mediterráneo, ignoramos el comportamiento natural incluso de las más comunes, dado que muchas comienzan su actividad al caer el sol.

En el mediterráneo las diferentes fases lunares no afectan seriamente a las mareas, pero si lo hacen al comportamiento de muchos animales: Amparados por el oscuro manto de la noche, infinidad de especies se activan para relacionarse o buscar alimento sin ser devoradas.

Muchas han desarrollado habilidades y órganos sensoriales extraordinarios para sobrevivir al próximo amanecer. Otras utilizan la furtividad de la noche para reproducirse en las templadas aguas del Mare Nostrum.
[YouYube, subido por New Atlantis]


Though we know the basic of more than the 15.000 animal species that live in the Mediterranean Sea, we ignore the natural behaviour of the most common ones, because many of them begin its activity after dark.

In the Mediterranean Sea the different lunar phases do not affect seriously to tides, but they seriously do to the behaviour of many animals.

Protected by the dark mantle of the night, infinite number of species activate at night in search of food, without being devoured.

Many have developed skills and extraordinary sensory organs to survive the next dawn. Others, covered by the night, find mate to reproduce in the template waters of the Mare Nostrum.
[YouTube, uploaded by New Atlantis]

Warch documentary: Click HERE.


November 11, 2013

The message (Video 1) is quite clear. We humans are children playing with fire. Radioactive fire in this case.

                                                Video 1. Radioactive waste dumped into oceans.

Like flies, we are all trapped in a grid of power. We are trapped playing in a system that is making us all sick. 

Power is the name of the game. But one by one the players of this game are calling sick. 

Now is the time to question the state of things for the benefit of all earthlings and move into action. 

Where does all of the energy from the power grid go?

Is the grand total of nuclear generated electricity around the globe not use for mental masturbation at home or for pointless jacking around?

How much is need and how much is greed?

Can you tell the difference between these two?

If you can, where do you go from here? Upwards or downwards?

Upwards or downwards? We must redesign our way of thinking, so in many respects what is up should go down and what is down should go up.

For one thing, Nature´s health must be up. On this ground, we all have failed. 

Life´s wheel keeps moving. Whether we will be part of it in the future remains to be seen.                           

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013


Source: The Gypsy Dietitian.

Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake

Nicole M. Avena, Pedro Rada, and Bartley G. Hoebel
Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA


The experimental question is whether or not sugar can be a substance of abuse and lead to a natural form of addiction. “Food addiction” seems plausible because brain pathways that evolved to respond to natural rewards are also activated by addictive drugs. Sugar is noteworthy as a substance that releases opioids and dopamine and thus might be expected to have addictive potential. This review summarizes evidence of sugar dependence in an animal model. Four components of addiction are analyzed. “Bingeing”, “withdrawal”, “craving” and cross-sensitization are each given operational definitions and demonstrated behaviorally with sugar bingeing as the reinforcer. These behaviors are then related to neurochemical changes in the brain that also occur with addictive drugs. Neural adaptations include changes in dopamine and opioid receptor binding, enkephalin mRNA expression and dopamine and acetylcholine release in the nucleus accumbens. The evidence supports the hypothesis that under certain circumstances rats can become sugar dependent. This may translate to some human conditions as suggested by the literature on eating disorders and obesity.

Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008 ; 32(1): 20–39.

Read the article: Click HERE.


martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013



By Gundhramns Hammer
November 5, 2013

It is estimated that between 300 million and one billion birds die each year from collisions with glass (Fig. 1) in the United States, says Dr. Christine Sheppard, Birds Collisions Campaign Manager for American Bird Conservancy (ABC). Considering that many bird populations are declining, this is a tremendous loss which sooner or later will eventually lead put more pressure upon the survival of migratory species.

Figure 1. Bird collision. Source: Philadelphia Zoo.

Autumn is the most critical and dangerous season for migratory birds heading south. This situation is aggravated by the artificial lighting from cities at nighttime (Video 1), causing disorientation and an attractive trap for migrating birds.

                              Video 1. U.S. seen at night from the International Space Station. 

If this were not enough, birds are also facing with the destruction of the habitats (Fig. 2) in their own wintering grounds in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Antilles. 

Figure 2. Habitat loss.

Since birds are exhausted upon arrival, they must immediately find something to eat otherwise they will find only death by starvation at the end of their trip. This is sad, indeed.

So that after a long trip of hundreds and hundreds of kilometres, North American birds north of Mexico may find that the woody spot where they wintered the previous year is no longer available. 

They only find an empty lot full of grass with hundreds of heads of cattle grazing on it or rows upon rows of monocultures of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) or Eucalyptus trees.

Cattle whose meat (Fig. 3) will become hamburger and will find its way to the United States´ market. The palm oil (Fig. 4) will also end on the shelves at the stores as cosmetics or food items in the U.S. And the Eucalyptus trees will become paper cups, tourism pamphlets, cardboard, amongst other things.

Figure 3. Cattle ranching in the Neotropical Region. Source: Climate Connections.

Figure 4. Palm oil and fruits (Elaeis guineensis). Source: Inhabitat.

So the more consumers eat beef and use palm oil in foods, cosmetics or as fuel to squander it cruising around, the more they put the migratory birds´ future in danger, besides affecting the environment in other ways.

And we all earthlings cannot afford to lose any spoke of the Wheel of Biodiversity. Each one has an important role to play in the drama of life. Each one counts.

Bird-friendly glass

Many efforts are being made and implanted to reduce the number of bird collisions. To begin with, architects, designers and developers are joining efforts to create a bird-friendly glass.