domingo, 1 de julio de 2012


Source: United Poultry Concerns

Contact South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to Stop Cruel Pigeon Shoot
dying pigeon
Dying pigeon from a pigeon shoot

SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) is calling on South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to use her authority to shut down what we believe is an illegal live pigeon shoot to be held at the Broxton Bridge Plantation, in Ehrhardt, South Carolina.

In a letter sent to her office today, SHARK states that we believe these shoots are a violation of S.C. Code Ann. ß 47-1-70 (2011), which makes it illegal to "abandon" any animal by "deserting, forsaking, or intending to" give up an animal "without securing another owner or without providing the necessities of life."   An "animal" under the South Carolina animal cruelty laws clearly includes pigeons because"animal" is defined as "a living vertebrate creature except a homo sapien."

Every time a captured or hand raised pigeon is put into a box and launched into the air so they can be shot at for fun, that's abandonment. Furthermore, it has been our experience, after documenting dozens of pigeon shoots, that a large percentage of birds escape and fly away. Most of those birds are wounded and may take hours or even days to die. We believe that this absolutely is abandonment under South Carolina law.

If Governor Haley fails to do the right thing, SHARK investigators will be at the Broxton Bridge Plantation all four days and will ask that cruelty charges be filed against the plantation and individual shooters. 

SHARK has also sent out a nationwide alert asking people to contact Governor Haley, and today we've launched an online petition as well.

The people of South Carolina need to know what is going to happen in their state, and their Governor needs to stand up for the law and shut it down before it starts.

Click here to sign the Petition asking Governor Haley to stop the pigeon shoot  

Please contact Governor Haley and forward this email - we want to generate as much attention on her as possible. Please be polite.

Governor Nikki Haley
Office of the Governor 
1205 Pendleton Street 
Columbia, SC 29201 
Phone: (803) 734-2100 
Fax: (803) 734-5167


SHARK is looking for volunteers to assist our efforts to document and expose this cruel shoot and those participating in this atrocity to the world.  

Please contact SHARK at: if you can help.

Broxton Bridge Plantation is hosting the live pigeon shoot. Please leave a comment on their Facebook page:

Original source: 

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