lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


Source: Boomer Health Institute.

By Gundhramn Hammer & Yudit E. Ruiz Sánchez
October 30, 2017


Using cunning state-of-the-art manipulating techniques in what is known as democracyto round up the public´s vote, the masters choose who is going to protect them and further their economic agendas and goals. This way politicians do what the masters tell them to do. So what the politicians do, they do it with the help of other carefully chosen people who are willing to watch not only the back of the chosen one, but also the backs of the chosen ones. It is a merry-go-round to get around straight down to what the members of the oligarchy want to get done for their own economical gain without risking their necks.  
Thus when the number one chooses to whom he chooses, he chooses to whom he chooses amongst those he must choose otherwise he may not please the chosen ones. 

It is a matter of choosing to do what the chosen ones want him to do so that the chosen ones get to do what they want to do without any interference from those that have nothing to do with the chosen ones but have chosen the one who chooses from the chosen ones a few to do what the chosen ones want him to do.

The whole thing boils down to what we call americanomics

So the purpose of this article is to define this global economic tendency. It is a tag for old bones taken to another cemetery.

Definition of americanomics

We define americanomics as any human endeavour that has to do with economics where a few powerful people sitting at the top of a power pyramid (Fig. 1) play with your economics to build their own economics but without your having to decide anything about the elite´s economics, in a master game in which nevertheless the oligarquical class needs and must have your economics for their own economics, otherwise they can have no economics. A process which directly or indirectly always results in deterioration, contamination, damage or destruction of the natural environment along with its inhabitants. In a nutshell, the global elite must harvest your economics for their own economics. No people´s economics, no elite´s economics. All in all, it is man´s economics causing environmental übermess globally.


Figure 1. Power pyramid. Source: Power-Pyramid-Adam-Dodson, by Arlen Williams, via Gulag Bound.

Environmental impact of americanomics

After WWII, roughly or smoothly surfing on the industrial revolution wave that had bewitched the entire world, americanomics has been the chief global economic model to follow after, mimic or imitate by anyone or any nation in the world that is after the Holy Grail of "economic development" (i.e., environmental contamination & intoxication) and the driving force behind the consumer-driven economic machinery that is literally sucking the life out of and destroying the Earth´s Biosphere.

The impact of americanomics is everywhere to be felt and to be seen. Worldwide from pole to pole

For example, in a study of 20 marine ecosystems around the world in 2008, "no area is unaffected by human influence and that a large fraction (41%) is strongly affected by multiple drivers" (Halpern et al.,2008).

And so on and so forth. 

Today, no corner of Mother Earth is free from some kind of americanomics.

The next targets will be the Moon, Mars and then the asteroids and after beyond. At least this is what people who suck off the space industry are hoping for.

What it takes to do some americanomics 

If you want to tango under the americanomics tune, all you have to do is to get some individuals who are keen on business, charming when skimming the scheme but mean under the skin, environmentally careless meddling, and overflowing with a fathomless ambition and a powerful glue to keep them working only for their next of kin´s skin.

Knock on this door (here) to find out what it takes to do some heavy duty americanomics in the United States. 

All of this is done on a planet that is ecologically falling apart due to man´s moronic economics pitched against Mother Earth´s economics which neither follows nor heeds any of man´s grand schemes when chasing his anti-biospherical economical dreams.

Nowadays, almost everyone on the planet is under some sort of americanomical hood.

Mon Capitaine, it is easy to see what our dear americanomics is doing to the environment worldwide. We humans have turned the entire planet into an environmental "despije" (Sp., Hond., El Salv: desorden) (Levá, 2016: 91). A planetary dump.

Oui, mon ami. When it comes to really taking care of the world´s environment, the human species is a damn dumb.

Anyway, mon ami, let us take just an extreme example of americanomics in the Northern Hemisphere: Alberta´s tar sands in Canada (Video 1): 

Video 1. Petropolis: Aerial perspectives of the alberta tar sands. Uploaded by Tibor Roussou.

Mon Capitaine, what a mess!

Until man (Primates: Hominidae: Homo sapiens) finds a solution for his grand delusions, this is one of those necessary evils for his oil-driven unsustainable civilisation, mon ami. 

In the meantime, he keeps talking about "sustainability" and ferociously oiling his mouth and butt. And pooping galore his own nest (see Tammemagi, 1999).

And one day man hopes to crap on another planet. For example on Mars!

Mon dieu!! 


Halpern B.S.,Walbridge S., Selkoe K.A., Kappel C.V., Micheli F., Fujita R., Heinemann D., Lenihan H., Madin E.M.P., Perry M.T., Selig E.R., Spalding M., Stendeck R., Watson R. (2008). A Global Map of Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems. Science, 319: 948-951.

Levá L. (2016). Španělsko-českýslovník amerikanismů - písmeno D (DA). Magisterska diplomová práce, Univerzita Palacého V Olomouci, Olomouc, Czech Republic. 167 pp.

Tammemagi H. (1999). The Waste Crisis: Landfills, Incinerators, and the Search for a Sustainable Future. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA. 279 pp.

The views and opinions expressed on this web site/post/video(s) are solely those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Gundhramns Hammer staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017


Fuente: Modern Farmer.

By Gundhramn Hammer
8 de octubre de 2017

Han sonado los bombos y platillos sobre un nuevo infierno de cerdos en Binéfar (Huesca, España). 

Los bombos y platillos, anunciando el nuevo infierno de animales, suenan para unas cosas, pero no suenan para otras cosas que se quedan debajo de las cosas porque de esas cosas no hay que hablar cuando se anuncian estas cosas.

Leer la noticia entera: pinchar aquí.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer, Yudit E. Ruiz Sanchez & Blanca I. Ruiz Sanchez
September 28, 2017 

The universe is vast. But a rich man´s greed is vaster than the universe.

This is the case with the billionaires and trillionaires that have sucked the juice out of people and the planet. They are übereverests of feelings of never having enough. 

If they wish, they could fix the world in a jiff. But they don´t give a damn about anyone else. Let alone the planet. To them, it is only me and me and more me and me and no one else but me.

 And they love talking about "sustainability"!! 

Apart from some exceptions, despite their hundreds of associations, foundations and NGOs supposedly working towards humanitarian goals around the world, the humansphere keeps getting worse and worse, socially, politically, militarly, economically and environmentally.

Overall these legal fictions can be seen as masquerades which have been set up for political purposes, for containing people from total revolting and to keep their fortunes safe from taxes at home or offshore, stashed away in a tax haven. 

And of course, they also function as pacifiers for any rich´s asleep unconscientious consciousness in  their daily lives and numerous sleepless nights.

In a nutshell, überrich people suffer from metagreed syndrome, which can be defined as an ever present feeling to own everything and everyone.

Metaphorically, multimillionaires are human black holes.

And the funny thing is that we are taught at home, school and by the media to admire these biosphere-chewing humans!

Lest anyone forgets this: One thing is having enough to exist, another is having everyting to feel you exist. There lies the difference and the disease.

So beware not to become a metagreedy orc

As all of you out there already know, it takes two to tango. Thus, überrich people are not alone in their klingonian kingdoms.

Somewhere along the line, their event horizon is full of employees working (sometimes literally slaving) for them. Some workers are well paid, whilst others so and so and some do not get much jack except heavy toiling. It is a matter of talent, connections,  buddiship, sex, gender, race, social standing, productivity, seniority or hieralchical status.

Now let us get to the point.

Have you ever wonder who these people are? 

Well, at least who you see on the stage, for there is a Hidden Hand controlling them, a bunch of Roman families whose lineages go back to the ancient Babylonian Empire, according to some experts in plutocracy. Christian (2016: 178) refers to these globalists as "oligarchical psycopathic families".

Let us take a look at who´s who in the Hidden Hand´s event horizon, starting off with a citation:

"Estimates are that the total world’s wealth is close to $200 trillion, with the US and Europe holding approximately 63 percent of that total; meanwhile, the poorest half of the global population together possesses less than 2 percent of global wealth.33 The World Bank reports that in 2008, 1.29 billion people were living in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 a day, and 1.2 billion more were living on less than $2.00 a day.34 Thirty-five thousand people, mostly young children, die every day from starvation.35 So while millions suffer, the TCC [transnational corporate class] financial elites seek returns that speculate on the rising cost of food, and they do this in cooperation with each other in a global system of TCC power and control."

The above is an excerpt from the following article:

Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class by Peter Phillips and Brady Osborne (2013). Project Censored

If you wish to read the full article, click here

Check these out too: Click here and here.

And folks, the überrich corporate people do it for us, consumers.

So, we´d better wake up!!! 

Good waking up!



Christian J.D. (2016). Banking Pirates of the City of London. New Zealand. 316 pp.

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017


Source: La Estrella de Panamá.

By Wolfgang von Eschenbach, Gundhramn Hammer, Yudit E. Ruiz Sánchez & Blanca I. Ruiz Sánchez
August 27, 2017


Wolves kill within. Men kill without.
There lies the big difference.
Gundhramn Hammer (2015)

Men hunted her down. Implacably. They brought her down. They cut the life of a precious creature. They killed her with no remorse.

When she fell dead to the ground, as if asking themselves when it would be their turn in the hands of this haughty two-legged creature, a primate that calls himself “man” and the owner of the planet with no right whatsoever, the trees around her tembled. 

It was the end of an era for her family group, for the hunters had not only killed a wolf but also an important cog in the wheel of wolf society. Her society.

Her accumulated knowledge and experience will be missed by her kind. Thereby endangering and putting at risk the survival of her family unit.

And who knows what important genes for the wolf family group were lost with her death.

Man hunts with no concern for animal genomes. Hunters tend to go after the best specimens, thus most likely affecting negatively the population dynamics and genetic structures of a particular species.

With her death, the ecosystem as a whole had also lost a priceless thread of its ancient life tapestry whose origin is lost in time.

Let us explore this world further. Such is the purpose of our article.

Wolf society and dumb men

Wolves are like humans in many respects. Wolves and humans are both top predators. Where wolves and humans live side by side, such as in Spain, conflict is expected.

Wolves can attack and kill livestock, which from the point of view of these predators are easier to hunt, thereby inflicting economic losses on man´s side.

Considering that no predators have any restraints, hungry wolves can sometimes kill too many a sheep in one night, for example.  

Most of the time this occurs indirectly, when the members of the flock panic in the presence of the wolves and try to escape from them; thereby dying of suffocation, falling in deep ravines or trampled over by other sheep. When this happens, wolves can assure human´s hatred.

Pastoralists have used dogs to protect their livestock through the ages. But wolves can sometimes kill dogs that guard flocks of sheep, droves of horses, rakes of colts, paces of asses, barrens of mules or herds of pigs, goats, cows and yaks.

This is why guard mastiffs must be protected with special neck collars and chest plates (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Spanish mastiff wearing anti-wolf iron collar and chest plate. Source: Yo Soy Amig@ del Lobo.

Both species, wolf (Carnivora: Canidae: Canis lupus) and man (Primates: Hominidae: Homo sapiens), are highly social creatures. They both have families with complex social structures (Haber & Holleman, 2013; Zimen, 2003; Fernández-Gil et al., 2010).

Each individual in wolf society is different, with family ties and relationships, occupying its own place in a cascade of hierarchy, contributing and interacting with the rest of the family group.

Everybody is important in a wolf social group. When hunting, each adult individual plays its own role as a single unit and at the same time the entire family group behaves as a whole unit, thus beautifully flowing in the river of time and space, amazingly incorporated within the ecosystem where they have evolved through eons of time.

Thus, the she-wolf killed by the hunters knew her land to the last nook and cranny. Valuable knowledge needed to survive and live next to the most dangerous creature that has ever walked upon the face of the Earth: Man.

From a very early age, she had been taught by her mother, father and other relatives what she needed to learn to survive.

To her own life experiences, she had added what she already knew, every bit of what had come from her parents and what these in turn had acquired from theirs and so forth, in a succession of culture upon culture (i.e., “learnt behaviour”) back in time in a lineage older than man´s.

Yes, wolves are immersed in a sea of culture. An ancient culture that we have just began to understand.

But there is a big difference between wolves and humans.  

Wolves kill to survive. Whereas humans, unless they are still living in a hunting and gathering society, inhabit the frozen poles, want to hide undeclared (conscious) or incipient (subconscious) homosexual feelings by hunting or are addicted to adrenaline, or in extreme cases for survival reasons, generally speaking, kill chiefly for symbolic reasons (Cartmill, 1993). 

Also, the chase in humans can have its political tooth. For instance, hunting can be used as an excuse to gather top leaders and friends to discuss state issues at ease, before, during or after the killing spree (Fig. 2).

Figura 2. Hunting in El Rincón: Alfonso XIII, King of Spain (left), talking to the Spanish President of the Council of Ministers (right). A total of 1.270 wild animals were killed. Foto: Actualidades (1909).


Overall, if left alone in the wilderness, wolves are ecologically wise. 

Wolves are ecosystem engineers, i.e, they create habitats for other organisms (Video 1. En español, aquí), working for the natural ecosystem within which they live and in the long run they work towards the well-being of the Biosphere whereas mankind basically goes against the grain, working against Mother Nature as a whole.

Video 1. How wolves change rivers. Uploaded by Sustainable Human.

But remarkably, amidst this holocaust of Nature caused by man worldwide, human empathy never ceases to exist (Video 2).

Video 2. International Animal Rescue film shocking scenes of deforestation and starving orangutans. Uploaded by International Animal Rescue IAR.

However, all in all, despite their  sophistication, technological advancement and pride, humans basically function like dumb creatures, ecologically fucking stupid, otherwise they would not have turned planet Earth into a huge garbage dump (Video 3), a giant cesspool and put it in such a precarious state, negatively affecting its biodiverstiy, with many parts of the globe extremely contaminated, be it water, air or soil; with vast tracts of natural forests destroyed, the land parceled out, crisscrossed with roads, railways and highways and with abundant asphalted and concreted up areas.

Video 3. India´s massive landfill. Source: Caters TV.

Not even Earth´s high skies have escaped from man´s grasp, having filled them up with contrails and persistent contrails (chemtrails) (Video 4).

Video 4. Chemtrails: Why in the world are they spraying. Uploaded by Chemtrail Crimes.

And to make things worse, today humans are the main and only cause of a massive biodiversity collapse going on right now under their noses.

Certainly, the way man is going, he may soon finds himself alone, on a barren planet (Video 5), facing up his own extinction.

Video 5. Man in a nutshell. Uploaded by Steve Cutts.

So in a nutshell, what the hunters killed was sacred.

Behold her! Ecce a picture the wise wolf killed by men (Fig. 3). Biospherically speaking, dimwitted men, for they have yet to truly understand what they have done in the long run.

Figure 3. Wolf killed in Spain. Source: Yo Soy Amig@ del Lobo.

From the point of view of ecological intelligence, from the grand biospherical perspective, sometimes dense men can go beyond the limits of density. This is a good example of it.

Dumb because they have yet to realise that what they have killed for pleasure is not what they thought they have killed but what they thought they dreamed of having killed in a world where soon there will be nothing to kill.

Dense people who, thinking of themselves as masters of the universe, enjoy killing without, without apparent reason, not knowing that such killing without is in the end the equivalent of killing themselves within.

May she, the essence of this wise wolf killed by these abnoxious insapiens Homo sapiens, find her way to the stars and from up there somehow guide her family and tribe to a better future for her kind.

And may we learn from wolves. Wolves already are. They already are into being. Being within.

We humans have yet to find and enter such a realm, for we are now living in the Age of Having. We still are greedy children.

Humans are into having not to have to have what they need to have to live but to have whatever they can have but need not have to live, for they do not yet know when is enough to have just to be.

Having enough. Enough to step into being within.

Shedding our greed, like a snake sheds its old skin, growing up spiritually to enter within. To be within.

To be within into being. To feel, touch and become one with the totality, the total of Eternity whilst alive. To be within, before we are called back into the Earth´s energy ocean.

To be or not to be within is man´s biggest challenge!


Actualidades (1909). Durante la cacería en El Rincón. Madrid, Año II, 13 de enero de 1909, Nº 48: 1. 

Cartmill M. (1993). A View to a Death in the Morning: Hunting and Nature through History. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. 331 p.

Fernández-Gil A., Alvares F., Vilá C. & Ordiz A. (Eds.) (2010). Los Lobos de la Península Ibérica: Propuesta para el Diagnóstico de sus Poblaciones. ASCEL (Asociación para la Conservación y Estudio del Lobo Ibérico), Palencia, España. 208 p.

Haber G. & Holleman M. (2013). Among Wolves: Gordon Haber´s Insights into Alaska´s Most Misunderstood Animal. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, AK, USA. 495 p.

Zimen E. (2003). Der Wolf: Verhalten, Ökologie und Mythos. Das Vermächtnis des bekannten Wolfsforschers. Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co), Stuttgart, Deutschland. 606 p.