miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


Source: BioKids.

January 29, 2014 
Select, paste & translate

For those of you who missed the documentary "Britain´s Real Monarch", here it is. It is the story of the legitimate line to the British Throne, the descendants of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, son of Richard, Duke of York. At least from the historian´s perspective.

Don´t fall asleep on it. Pay attention, for at the same time you will see that the whole damn business of royalty, or any business where a seat of power is involved for that matter, of who sits on any throne or helm of power, boils down to a mere dog fight to see who has the biggest fangs and is the strongest to get the fucking "royal or number one bone", the biggest juicy bone anyway, 

This is for those who crave and prefer privileges, eating fancy meals and throwing farts charged with smells of rotten meats and expensive desserts rather than being nobody, perhaps starving in a corner of the world and pooping shells of beans, if lucky. 

And once the winner has this bone, very few are willing to let go of it. It has been said that the way to the Lord´s Kingdom is narrow and full of thorns whereas the one that leads to Hell is wide and pretty. 

But such is man´s nature. Flesh is weak. 

For a few days that we trample on this planet we might as well live enjoy it and live it well. At least this is the way most people think and approach life. 

And the result of following this selfish path is everywhere to be seen: Destruction, pollution, decay, poverty...  And a series of deep ecological, social and economical crises.

So we ask: 

What the fuck is the use of living surrounded by luxury, having tonnes of money, being attended and watched by a crowd of ass kissers when you really live in hell inside your head, with fears of being sent to the croaking line, scared shitless of death coming too soon to take everything away from your grasping hands?

What is the difference between these greedy folks and most people who never seem to reach the line above enough is enough? 

So why not ask this too, to start out following the line of the title of this article: 

What does a humble slug have that we don´t know of, for instance? 

Peace. Real inner peace. We envy them!

But how do we know slugs have peace? We don´t, of course. We are not even aware of your own awareness.

Without going into the labyrinth of evolution, we may conjecture that slugs are in peace. Why not? Are we the only ones to claim the monopoly of such a state? We doubt it. 

We have no qualms in believing that these humble creatures have realities we have yet to dream. They are not meerely machines. They living, sentient beings. 

Besides, we knowing how peace feels like, we can say one thing: We can have only what they have. 

It is not the other way around. That would be too self-centred, one of our biggest faults.

In the accordion of life they were first. 

Does the fish not still dwell in us during our ontogeny? Is our hearing system not an evolutionary reconstruction of what they had first, the second pair of gill slits and its complementary skeleton?

We are not the pinnacle of evolution.  Mother Nature has not yet spoken her last word on evolution.

"Humans are indeed, among the vertebrates, the least removed from the ancient prototype, morphologically and anatomically. Man preserved the original orthograde body position of his lineage. This bipedal, former aquatic, form was not only man’s ancestor, but also the ancestor of all the today living - and extinct - mammals, of the birds, reptiles, batracians and of the diverse water vertebrates", has stated zoologist François de Sarre (2000a).

Man is a "primitive" creature, with quite a few plesiomorphic characters such as a foramen magnum located ventrally.

This skull opening starts out situated on the ventral side of the skull during the embryonic period and is retained this way during the post-embryonic life, for  man´s bipedal position.

Other higher primates, for example chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), have also a ventrally situated foramen magnum but only during the first embryological stages, after that this opening rotates backwards and upwards, thus adjusting its position for the animal´s quadrupedal lifestyle (pers. obs.) This is an apomorphic character, i.e., a derived state. Or in plain language, its position is an innovation or an advanced feature

So the assumption most anthropologists make that man evolved from a quadrupedal creature is wrong. It is the other way around, that nonhuman primates and man share a common bipedal ancestor

In a way, this is much in the line of what the Vedic texts explain, that a "highly intelligent creature" gave rise to all the myriads of life forms on the planet. In other words, life goes from the complex to the simple. Evolutionists believe that life goes from the simple to the complex.

Like someone said once: "Monkeys and apes are men who have been pushished by turning them into monkeys and apes". By whom? Nobody knows.

Of course, it goes without saying that humans have a very specialised central nervous system. And because of this, they are creatures with a delicate brain, always on the brink of going crazy.

Being born a human can be hell or heavens. It all depends upon where and with whom we land into this world and where we will tilt the balance to in our lives. 

And once on our own, to truly learn to which end we must tilt the balance, hell or heavens. It is a life´s endeavour. 

Are you working on this? We are. 

And now let us move on and get to the wise slugs.

Slugs do have a lot to teach us. If only we are willing to pay deep attention to them.

What can slugs teach us? 

Quite a few important and relevant things for all of us, humans. 

Slugs can teach us a different perspective in and for our lives. A relative of slugs, a snail taught a lot to Elizabeth Tova Bailey (2010). A humble snail opened Bailey´s heart to the grandeur of life.

But first, before we get to the lesson of the slug, let us watch the documentary (Video 1) we have already mentioned at the beginning:

                                                    Video 1. Britain´s real monarch.
Learn more: 

Descendants of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, son of Richard, Duke of York: Click HERE.

All of these people have missed the lesson of the slug

And haven´t most of us?

But what is the lesson of the slug about?


The lesson of the slug

In order to capture the lesson of the slug, we must open a window in our heart. We must be humble. We must have an open mind. We must be loving and caring with Mother Nature.


Show your best colours. Have you fiund one yet? If not, Spring will soon come and you will get the chance to see one.

Whenever or wherever, please don´t smash it. Let it be. Respect it. Look at it. Appreciate it, even if it is eating your veggies in you precious garden. It cannot eat it all. 

If there are too many of them, it is because we are doing something wrong in the ecology of things. 

Considering the state of things in the world nowadays, perhaps they do this because they do not have anywhere else to go. 

Remember, we humans have taken over the entire planet as our own without taking into consideration their needs.

Now, let us learn the lesson of the slug

  • Patience, 

  • Fearlessness,

  • Humbleness,

  • No hurry, 

  • Never crazy,

  • Never bored,

  • Never concocting intrigues,

  • No warmongering,

  • No squandering of resources, 

  • Taking only what it needs, 

  • Ever and overflowing with vital energy,

  • Total integration and full cooperation with the maintenance of the Biosphere,

  • Fullness of being in total union with That Which Is, 

  • Manifesting the Manifested, 

  • Etc.


What have you seen? Nothing? Something?

Do you care about them now? Or do you feel like killing them?

"Damn it!, they are eating my crop!", is a very common expression amongst gardeners and farmers. 

And the first these people do is to go and get some poison to kill them. Thus, humans get their surroundings poisoned. Slowly, surely and deadly.

And this is exactly what has happened. Following our stupid shortcuts and environmental shortsightedness, we now have a contaminated planet (Video 2).


                                        Video 2. A contaminated planet (Un planeta contaminado).


No, slugs have not caused this deplorable state: An ecological crisis. We humans have.

Let us us go back to the drawing board and see how the slugs do it.

We can surely learn a few things from them. 

Slugs are our Elder Brethren. Slugs have been on Earth longer than we humans have. 

We have just arrived and yet we are already in a hurry packing up to go back to the Ocean of Nothingness.

That ocean which is nothing without nothing but has something in nothing full of nothing and yet is that which is, everything being out of nothing. 



Bailey E. T. (2010). The Sound of a Snail Eating. Algonquin Books, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 190 p. 

Sarre F. de (2000a). Reconstructing the archetype: Initial bipedalism as a realistic model for vertebrate evolution. C.E.R.B.I., Bipedia Nº 18: 1-19.

Sarre F. de (2000b). Die Theorie der Ursprünglichen Zweifüssigkeit, ein phylogenetische Modell zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, der Säuger und der Übrigen Wirbeltiere. C.E.R.B.I., Nizza, Südfrankreich. 26 p.

Schultz A. H. (1926). Fetal growth of man and other primates. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1 (4): 465-521.

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014


Source: PRWatch.

By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
January 23, 2014

Modern man lives fast. People are no longer "normal" living beings. They have become teeth on a giant economic wheel. 

As a result, people do just about anything fast, from fucking fast, if they can because they may be dysfunctional, to eating fast and, if they are not careful with what they eat, they may die fast too. 

These fast people often say they have no time to cook at home. So when they are on the run in the modern hunt, what do they eat? They eat fast food. 

Which also means millions of animals die at the slaughterhouses (Video 1) round the clock worldwide to manufacture fast foods to fill up the bellies of these insane fast people. And consequently fast people´s food habits put a lot of strain on the environment.

                              Video 1. Cattle slaughterhouse.

And what do people get with fast food? 


lunes, 20 de enero de 2014


Global overfishing. Click source to enlarge. Source: Situating the Global Environment.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 20, 2014
Select, paste & translate

"At this moment , the main problem with the oceans us that they are getting emptier and emptier. If we don´t do anything, then we face one of the biggest disaters in the history of mankind"
Dutch photographer and conservationist

Nothing can be added to Don Winkel´s statement above. The message is clear and straightforward.

It remains for each of us humans to do his or her part. And we must. 

For our part, soon we realised that without letting bloom our own biophilia in our own hearts, our empathy towards other species, we as a species might be doomed or are already on a collision course. 

So our next move was to become vegetarians a few decades ago. We are happy we did. We are healthier too.

We are fully aware that what we have done has not changed or will not change anything unless you and the rest change at the same time. This is the hard part.

It is common knowledge that religion and politics are delicate subjects and that people have gone and still go to war because of this. 

So is what people eat.  It is also a delicate matter.

People get upset if you tell them what they should or must eat. Unless they see themselves cornered by disease, they will not change their food habits. 

And even then, they still tend to go their own way until the illness catches up with them and finds them eating what they were not supposed to eat or meant to eat.

People generally have entrenched food and eating habits learned in childhood at home. What we eat we learn to eat as part of a social programming we all experience as children. 

As we grow older these habits are reinforced by the media, the people around us and the cultural soup we are immersed in, so we all end up being robotised, not being able to question what we do. And what we do we are taught to do.

The irony of this is that it is good for the economy for the most part not to question what we do. We are not supposed to question what we are taught and have learned to do as a result of our own programming as biological robots.

Even scientists basically follow predictable routes in their questioning of what they were trained to question in their quest for "the truth", for the "sake of humanity" or for their own pocket. After all science is done in a social milieu.

So what are we left with? 

We are left with lot of overprogrammed people around the world. People who are not willing to change anything in their lives unless someone really strong comes along and shakes up their own tree. 

Are you one of these overprogrammed people or are you flexible and logical enough to consider a change in food habits so that the oceans continue flourishing with life?

Or do you want to hand in an empty ocean to your future generations?

We hope your will regard the following matter (Video 1) as something very important for all of us living on Earth, be it human and nonhuman. 

This matter is something we cannot and should not dismiss as unimportant and thus sweep it under the carpet.

What you will do next, it is entirely up to you, of course.

We hope that what you get to do is for the benefit of not only you but also the other species on the planet as well, for these are also YOU.

Source: YouTube
View original


Sea the Truth is based on numerous scientific publications that examine the problems of seas and oceans. Below follows an overview of the themes addressed in the film and a brief explanation.


According to a report of the New Zealand news channel 3News sea mammals, among which whales, are dying of malnutrition. The makers claim that this is caused by overfishing. Watch the report here: http://www.3news.co.nz/Deep-Trouble-/...


Fishing policy around the world is destructive. Recommendations from scientists on quotas are ignored by policy makers, wealthy countries plunder the fishing territories of poor countries and bottom trawlers sow destruction all over the seafloor with their dragnets. In Europe, 88% of fish stocks have been overharvested, such as the blue fin tuna which sadly is threatened with extinction.


In addition to the effect on the fish stocks, fishing also affects all other organisms in the same habitat or ecosystem. Whether the fish being harvested are predatory or prey, the balance of the ecosystem is disrupted and this can have serious consequences. The degree of disruption strongly depends on the fishing method employed.


The term bycatch has come to be used to refer to fish caught unintentionally when fishermen fish for commercial fish. These kinds of fish are not interesting to sell and as a consequence they are thrown back into the ocean either death or mutilated. The average bycatch worldwide is about 40.4% of the total amount of fish being caught. This means that 3 kilos of consumed fish brings about 2 kilos of bycatch. In total, 37 billion kilos of fish per year is wasted bycatch.


People once thought that fish could not feel anything when they are caught. This idea was probably motivated because fish are cold blooded; this is in contrast with humans who are warm blooded. However, the ability to feel pain does not have anything to do with body temperature. From research studying the behavior of fish, as well as the study of anatomy and physiology, it turns out that fish have feelings and are in fact able to feel pain. This means that the current methods to catch and kill fish are in truth a torture for fish, moreover captured fish die of suffocation: a process that can take up to several minutes or hours.


Between Hawaii and San Francisco floats an enormous amount of rubbish -- a plastic soup with a surface area of 8.6 million square kilometres. To compare: This is 33 times greater than the surface area of the Netherlands (41,528 km2). This plastic soup was 'discovered' by Charles Moore when he sailed through this area with his boat and found himself surrounded day in day out by plastic waste. He later returned with scientific equipment to determine the soup's total size. The plastic soup is a huge threat to a number of marine animals and mammals.


We're told we should eat fish twice a week as it is packed with nutrition. These healthy nutrients are however easily obtained from other food sources, whereas fish may also contain large amounts of toxins. Mercury and dioxins 'enjoy' the status of most researched toxins in fish.

                                                                          Video 1. Sea: The truth.


Watch video, with a translator available:

Click/Pinchar: HERE/AQUI.

Translator/Traductor: Click 2nd icon on the lower bottom, L-R. Pinchar el 2º ícono, abajo de izquierda a derecha.


This is Dos Winkel´s message:

"Ladies and gentlemen, what shall we do? Is there a solution? Yes, there is! We just have to stop fishing and we have to stop eating fish. Remember, your fork is your most powerful weapon and this is the only way. At least that´s the way I look at it".


Source: WWF.

Par Gundhramns Hammer
20 janvier 2014

Nous sommes littéralement sur ​​un saccage, une course folle pour terminer quelque nage sur cette planète.   

Nous sommes en train de piller les océans en ce moment. Il n'y a pas un seul coin dans le monde épargnée par la main meurtrière de l'homme sur les navires de pêche. Il s'agit d'une gauche de tuer et droite jusqu'à ce que ne reste rien. 

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014


Source: Mboa News.

Dans le bassin du Congo, la chasse de subsistance traditionnelle est aujourd'hui supplantée par une chasse commerciale hors-la-loi et exterminatrice, qui transforme les sous-bois en charniers. Chaque année, environ un million de tonnes de viande de brousse braconnée alimente les étals des marchés des grandes villes de Douala, Yaoundé, Bangui et Brazzaville. D'ici moins de vingt ans, des dizaines d'espèces animales devraient disparaître, et la famine gagner des régions de plus en plus nombreuses. Parmi les pays les plus touchés par le trafic de viande de brousse, le Cameroun occupe la première place. [YouTube]

martes, 14 de enero de 2014


Source: La Guía.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 15, 2014

July 7, 2012 was a historical date to remember as far as the issue of animal consciousness is concerned. A group of scientists gathered at Cambridge University to commemorate Francis Crick and his work made the famous Declaration on Coinsciousness. 

They came to the conclusion and made the profound statement that animals have a consciousness much like we humans do.

Considering that we are in the midst of an ecological crisis, although many people still do not see it or accep it, it is very important to keep this Declaration in mind, for we are living in, as Dr. Sreven Best says, an age of "Animal Holocaust". We are living "among ruins, we inhabit a graveyard, an apocalyptic wasteland strewn with corpses, carrion, and zombies."

And according to the best ecology experts, if we continue on the meat highway there is no hope for the human species. 

More and more people in the so called "developing nations" are getting on a diet high in animal protein from industrial farms, which are basically animal concentration camps

And as a result, more and more natural resources (cereals, grains, fish meal, water, etc.) are being pumped into these energy sucking farms to produce the meat that the new consumers are demanding and consequently straining and putting pressure on Earth´s ecosystems.

Meat eating - feeding on livestock - has too much impact, too much destructiveness, too much pressure on the environment: A "long shadow"

Soon, if we keep up the present rate of consumption, we will need the equivalent of at least 5 Earths to support this squandering life style. 

It is obvious that the present system has got to go.

The only way out for the humans living now on this planet with finite resources is to go vegan, according to these experts. We concur.

Here is the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness:


lunes, 13 de enero de 2014


Source: .docstoc.

Nkayi and Ouesso: Site contaminated with pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in Congo

Association pour la Protection de L’Environnement et de la
Promotion de L’Agriculture Biologique
Phone : 242 52 46 95/242 82 56 32
October 2005


In Congo, various types of pesticides, including POPs have been used for 40 years. The bulk of these products have been used in agriculture at the time when cash crops (coffee and cocoa) and certain industrial crops (palm oil) were promoted; in forestry by companies specialised in reforestation and in health field by hygiene services to combat certain disease vectors. Although these products are banned, they are still used in the country. Indeed, works carried out within the framework of the GF/PRC14/02 project relating to activities on POPs in Congo have revealed that certain POPs such as heptachlor and chlordane are still smuggled in countries and are used under other appellations in Nkayi and Ouesso. Indeed, many agricultural and industrial activities (wood treatment, orchards, intensive maize and paddy cultivation, plantations of sugar cane, cotton, cassava and cement works) are led in these two cities. Besides POPs, agricultural activities led in these areas result in an intensive use of a various range of chemicals that are hazardous to human health and to the environment. To date, very little information about the impacts of pesticides and POPs used in the country are available, mainly in Nkayi and Ouesso. 

Read the full article: Click HERE (In French: HERE).

Source link:

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014


Source: Gulls to the Horizon.

We wish the best to everyone in the world!
Thanks for your visits!
